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The aim of the society is to achieve the following goals and tasks:
1) Environmental care
Supporting an economy in harmony with nature and spiritual laws.
Support for environmentally friendly technologies and industries and support against opposing lobbies.
Supporting the non-generation, prevention and elimination of non-biodegradable waste and other polluting waste, effluents and exhaust gases.
Supporting alternatives and efforts against air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, light pollution and artificial unhealthy radiation. Restoration of polluted or contaminated areas.
Support for non-harmful and environmentally harmful energy self-sufficiency and production of renewable energy and healthy light, as well as efforts to eliminate energy and light generation that is harmful to health and the environment.
Supporting efforts towards organic farming, agriculture in harmony with nature as opposed to monoculture.
Supporting wildlife sanctuaries and desert and fallow land conversion efforts through forestation.
Supporting the protection of seas and oceans from exploitation and pollution.
Support for any environmentally friendly alternatives.
2) Basic care
Support the implementation of basic financial services for all people worldwide, an unconditional basic income and free current account.
Supporting the non-creation, avoidance and elimination of interest-bearing debt.
Support for financial independence of municipalities and regions.
Support and protection of the family as the smallest social group.
Research, development and establishment of alternatives to health-damaging and environmentally harmful infrastructure. Liberation of infrastructure, in particular monopolistic infrastructure, from the ownership of profit-oriented companies through participation and takeover or market displacement, then return to public property (region, municipality, non-profit enterprises, consumer cooperatives). Establishment of infrastructure where it does not yet exist.
Support the implementation of a healthy basic food supply for all people worldwide (local and healthy) as well as a basic supply of other basic needs.
Implementation of the vegetarian and vegan diet so that the suffering of farm animals is ended. First by supporting alternatives for animal products of mammals.
Supporting free basic health care with natural healing and efforts to keep people healthy.
Support free ethical education in harmony with nature and spiritual laws.
Supporting people's freedom, freedom of information and true information.

Means of purpose:
The establishment of subsidiaries and organizations that can have an economic purpose, if this serves the goals and tasks of the association.
Acquisition of company shares and takeover of companies in accordance with the purpose.

Membership is limited to founding members and their descendants, as well as for persons who have made outstanding achievements in the sense of the association's purpose or are main investors.
Donations cannot be accepted according to the statutes.

However, everyone is welcome to support the purpose of the association by purchasing zero coupon bonds.
Financing by investors via

© 2022-2024; Basecare (V.i.G), Liechtenstein
Statutes | Disclosure

If you no longer want to accept that a small profit-greedy group is destroying our planet, please support BASECARE in its efforts.